Achieving wider uptake of water-smart solutions


On 8 February 2022, the Webinar titled “Verso la transizione ecologica: il riuso dell’acqua depurata nel Comune di Corleone” successfully took place. The event was aimed to discuss with stakeholders and water utilities progress of Wider-Uptake H2020 Project and synergies with new project dealing with water reuse and resource recovey titled "REcupero di Materie ed energia dalle Acque Reflue per la creazione di un ecosistema sostenibile nella città di Corleone – REMARC". REMARC project has been conceived with the aim to overcome some barriers identified within Wider-Uptake H2020 Project with the final aim to implement water reuse in Corleone case study.

On 15 June 2021, the Webinar titled “Il ruolo della Governance nella depurazione – presentazione dello strumento GOCIWA” successfully took place. The event was aimed to present the Governace tool GOCIWA (Governace assessment for circular economy based on Water resources) which has been developed within Wider-Uptake H2020 Project.

23 December 2020, meeting between UNIPA, AMAP SpA and Eng. Angelo Schiavone, project Manager for the modernization of Corleone wastewater treatment plant, having the aim to share and address the future design decisions towards the WIDER-UPTAKE scopes.

27 November 2020, Wider - Uptake project presentation at SHARPER (SHAring Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience ) 2020 - European Researcher's Night.  SHARPER is an European Project aiming at involving all citizens in discovering the profession of researcher and the role that researchers play in building the future of society through the investigation of the world based on facts, observations and the ability to adapt and interpret contexts increasingly complex and constantly evolving social and cultural events.

In 2020 the European Researcher's Night has been organized on line by using the MS Teams Platform. 

27 July 2020, a memorandum of understanding signed between the special commissioner on wastewater depuration (prof. Maurizio Giugni) and the Sicilian President of the national association of italian municipalities (ANCI) (prof. Leoluca Orlando) in order to overcoming EU infringements in the wastewater depuration field

16 July 2020, Wider - Uptake project presentation at Ecomed 2020. Ecomed 2020 is the 2nd Mediterranean exhibition where companies of the Integrated Waste Cycle, the Integrated Cycle of Water, the production and supply of Energy, showed the technological innovation  novelty of the sector. The exhibition was held at Catania (Italy - Sicily).

8 July 2020, Launch day of Wider - Uptake project at UNIPA. The launch day was held at "Complesso Munumentale dello Steri" seat of the Rectorate and Administrative Offices of the University of Palermo. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869283