Achieving wider uptake of water-smart solutions


On 18 November 2022, there was a first meeting to talk about a new project on water reuse that will be presented in December and which will be involved Gal, Unipa, Amap S.p.a., Consorzio di Bonifica, Ati e i comuni di Corleone e Marineo.

On 17-19 October 2022, the “Resource recovery from wastewater treatment: inauguration of the demonstration case of studies” and the Mobile Lab with stakeholders successfully took place. The event consisted in the inauguration of the new laboratory within the Wider-Uptake H2020 Project and the presentation of the case studies to the partners and stakeholders. Marineo and Corleone wastewater treatment plants have been visited. The water reuse value chain and the possibility of meeting the interest of local stakeholders have been discussed. 

30 September 2022, Wider - Uptake project at SHARPER (SHAring Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience ) 2022 - European Researcher's Night.  

SHARPER is an European Project aiming at involving all citizens in discovering the profession of researcher and the role that researchers play in building the future of society through the investigation of the world.

Within SHARPER 2022 WIDER - UPTAKE project activities have been presented showing the applicability of biothecnologies and smart solutions within the wastewater sector.

27 November 2020, Wider - Uptake project presentation at SHARPER (SHAring Researchers’ Passions for Evidences and Resilience ) 2020 - European Researcher's Night.  SHARPER is an European Project aiming at involving all citizens in discovering the profession of researcher and the role that researchers play in building the future of society through the investigation of the world based on facts, observations and the ability to adapt and interpret contexts increasingly complex and constantly evolving social and cultural events.

In 2020 the European Researcher's Night has been organized on line by using the MS Teams Platform. 

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869283